Invasions of the Dragons!
This is the "Proto-Type Dragon", the first dragon made, the second statue I ever made.  He belongs to my Mom's collection.  
Proud new owner of "The Watch Dragon".
Dragons are unique creatures.  They are beings who attach the past and the present together; a fable and a fascination for all times.  

Dragons tend to be difficult to make simply due to the complexity and layers of metal needed to create each work.  However, all evolve and each is unique in personality and appearance.
"Snow Dragon" 12.01
Found objects, aluminum wire, beads.
Grape Eating Dragon.
Standing Dragon.
Brandy Stark
Mixed Media
The Nestling, detail.
Dragon Testimonial:

So, I need to thank Brandy for her Dragons.  I see that the Dragon did its job.  Thanks to the Dragon this new house is beautiful.  

I believe that everybody needs a dragon to protect them.
David Wade

Mellow Dragon. 2002.
Dragon Lady, made for and sold at the Much Ado About Art Auction, 2003.   Bronze, brass, aluminum, mesh, screen, and found object art.
Sleeping Dragon, 10/03
Framed Dragon. 2003
Ring - Tailed Dragon.  Photos sent by Dragon's new owner.  2005.
Curious Dragon:  jewlery and metal.  One of my few decidedly female dragons.